Tuesday, February 1, 2011

was on the terrace... spaced out for a bit, looking at the sky...the sun, the clouds.. when i first looked, the sun was hidden behind the clouds, hardly visible to the eye. then, just as i was looking, started emerging bit by bit. concentrating, i tried noticing the 'movements'...but no show. it was just...there. hidden, emerging, but still there, just the same.

ofcourse it was the clouds moving, covering it. but the romantic, no logic state that my brain was in, it didn't strike me immediately. when it struck me, i couldn't help laughing at myself. those first few classes of science, of EVS. genius! duh!

and then another random thought came to my mind...isn't it how we are, how life is? a game of hide and seek...what we wish for, that source of all motivation..it's right there, our 'sun'. always. it;s just that we don't look for it the right way..let ourselves get distracted by the 'clouds'... we're so busy figuring out the blanket we forget what it was that we were looking for, our 'sun'.. to us, it's our sun that's dodging us, avoiding us, slipping out of our hands, leaving us bewildered. whereas it's always right there, where it was when aimed for it. just the clouds got thicker and blocked our view. how we do refuse to look at things straight, yeah? i do...all the time. yet, when the realization comes in, it never fails to amaze me...

hmmm...funny how i've never noticed this. or rather, noticed it but never paid attention to it. or likelier still, never been jobless enough?
hell, deepak chopra and robin sharma would be proud of me right now... heh.

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