Tuesday, February 1, 2011


1. complete my CA course, get my degree.

2. lose weight, get in shape (yessss!)

3. brush up my driving and navigation skills.

4. finally take up photography, try new things with the camera, get a decent editing software and play around with it till i figure it out.

5. meditate...build up on concentration and focus.

6. keep confusion and chaos at a minimum.

7. unclutter my mind, and my surroundings. think ideas and words through before expressing them out loud.

8. take up sketching again.

9. join a language course

10. start working

12. try and give shape to the ideas that come up in my head and build on them, instead of just thinking about them and never doing anything about them. (yes, i know this one sounds pretty vague. but well...)

13. remove the word 'try' from my vocab, and actually DO things that need to be done...CHUCK the laziness and procrastination away... get off my ass and actually do things that need to be done..

14. brush up my culinary skills... and in a variety of things at that, so that, by the end of the year am able to prepare a decent meal, all on my own.

15. actually do all these things on my wish and not to forget about any of them!

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